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Tina Pope

Contract offered: Coordinator (part-time) Paekākāriki Housing Trust

Paekākāriki Housing Trust are looking for a motivated, experienced and locally plugged in community member to take up a contract that will involve we estimate six-eight hours per week over an initial six month contract with a fee equating to $250 per week.

This is the all-important position of coordinator, reporting to the chairs of the trust, and working closely with the administrator, members of the trust and supporters.

Job description - Coordinator

The purpose of the coordinator role is to support, facilitate and accelerate the strategic goals of the Paekakariki Housing Trust (the Trust), working closely with trustees and supporters.

The role will involve:

  1. Assisting with developing the Trust’s strategic vision by developing a strategic plan in agreement with the trustees. The strategic plan will give effect to the Trust’s kaupapa and set out the work programme.

  2. Identifying opportunities for the Trust to obtain capital for housing projects and seeking funding for specific projects.

  3. Supporting trustees and working group members to progress the Trust’s strategic programme by:

  4. Creating and maintaining networks with other organisations that may assist the trust to meet its strategic goals

  5. Researching social housing models and issues and briefing the trustees on housing issues, products and opportunities

  6. Coordinating and supporting the work of the Trust’s working groups.

  7. Advocating for social housing and raising the Trust’s profile by:

  8. Implementing and maintaining the Trust’s communications strategy

  9. Representing the Trust at events and championing its role and aspirations.

  10. Attending housing trust meetings (between 8-12 per annum) and providing a report on progress against the strategic plan .

The Coordinator will be expected to be able to work independently, but will be briefed and guided by the co-chairs, with input from the trustees.


This is a fixed-term, 6-month contract for services, at $250 per week. You will be expected to work between 6-8 hours per week. The coordinator is responsible for their own taxes, ACC etc. This is not an employment contract.

Essential skills or experience

  1. Understanding of Te Ao Māori.

  2. A love for Paekākāriki and the wellbeing of its diverse residents.

  3. Experience at implementing strategic projects, policy and/or social enterprise.

  4. Networking skills.

  5. Resilient and nimble, can cope with change in direction or emphasis.

  6. Understanding of social housing.

  7. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

  8. Excellent inter-personal skills.

  9. Able to work independently.

Useful skills or experience

  1. Networks within the wider social housing sector and government.

  2. Experience implementing a communications strategy.

For more information about the Trust, see:

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