Local solutions by local people
With a shared passion for retaining diversity and by looking at opportunities and challenges through a lens of social equity, the Paekākāriki Housing Trust are active facilitators, strategists and advocates who work alongside their community to imagine and realise practical win-win solutions to housing difficulties in Paekākāriki.
Formed in 2016, by a small group of locals, the Trust purchased a house through 100% funding from their community and partnered with local iwi and social providers for another. Through the Covid-19 lockdown, the Trust worked tirelessly as an emergency housing provider and as a payoff now manage a small clutch of rental properties in the village. They continue to commission environmental work to understand the housing capacity of the whenua and awa; explore funding models and design principles; and build relationships with central and local government. You can read about their projects and funding models here.
If you have ideas, expertise or time to share, the Paekākāriki Housing Trust welcome you with open arms. Even if you have just an hour or two - get in touch. We can certainly put it to good use!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead.
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We're here to
Help ensure a strong, diverse and connected community by assisting those people in need to access affordable and appropriate housing in Paekākāriki.
Recognise Mana Whenua’s special connection to this land.