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Have your say on our kaupapa and our trustees

Tina Pope

The Paekākāriki Housing Trust group are seeking community involvement in two important matters over the next week: the trust’s objectives, and nominations for trustees. Read on

To contribute to discussion and decision making we would love you to now click on this link and join our open public Loomio group which enables you to contribute to decision-making when and as you want to. (If you don’t want to do that please call (Tina 0272329998) or email ( - we’d love your involvement. We also very much welcome your comments and discussions here.

A. KAUPAPA We have developed draft objectives for the trust drawn from February and June community hui. We’re interested in any feedback on this kaupapa by Saturday 15 July. There will then be an opportunity to vote on it via our online platform Loomio by Thursday 20 July. Together we can make decisions we all have ownership of. The objectives are the general purpose of the trust and need to be broad and permissible for our activity. In consultation with the community through Loomio and hui, the trustees will then determine how the objectives will be met and who will benefit from the trust’s work. Draft objectives for the PHT 1. To help ensure a strong, diverse and connected community by assisting those people in need to access affordable and appropriate housing in Paekākāriki. 2. To recognise mana whenua’s special connection to this land. 3. To ensure beneficiaries of the trust include the elderly, residents with changed circumstances, residents on lower incomes and Ngāti Haumia. B. TRUST FORMATION

We’re calling for applications for trustees for the Paekākāriki Housing Trust. Guided by our community, the trustees will be the ultimate legal decision makers for the trust - the governance. Volunteers will continue to “do the work” – developing draft policy, collecting data, doing research, managing property, administering the financial models etc. Trustees will make the final decision on the actual work of the trust, who the specific beneficiaries will be and how assistance will be provided.

This role is a volunteer role, for two years. Reasonable expenses will be paid. By law trustees will not be personally liable for any losses incurred by the trust except if they are dishonest, wilfully act in breach of trust or break the law. Applications should be in writing to by 15 July. Please attach a CV and a maximum 250 word statement outlining why you should be a trustee of the Paekākāriki Housing Trust. Appointment will be by community vote on Loomio from 20 July. If you’re interested or know someone who would be great for this role — or if you have any questions — contact us at and we’ll give you a call.

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