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Tina Pope

Exciting news and discussion at upcoming Housing Trust Hui Sunday June 10

Paekakariki: do come to the Paekakariki Housing Trust Hui and shared lunch Sunday June 10, from10.30am-12.30pm St Peter's Hall.

We'll share some exciting news for the first time before we head to the media, but more importantly there'll be discussion groups to seek your opinions on some key decisions.

Discussion focuses will include: what our top priorities should be in terms of who we help, the potential approach for community housing and environmental protection for the Perkins Farm Land, redress for Ngāti Haumia land, and the scope for locally run property management.

If you’re busy come along any time. We’ll have some food and refreshments (thanks Community Board!) but also bring some to share. For more information on the trust:

Or specific enquiries: Mark Amery, comms manager 027 3566 128.

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