6.45pm Friday 3 November 2017 Paekakariki Memorial Hall
Dream of going to bed with a full belly, happy heart and conscience? Come along and partake in delicious kai while also helping raise funds for the Housing Trust! We will also be formally constituing the Paekakariki Housing Trust on the night and welcoming our first trustees.
It's a four-course feast catering to carnivores, vegetarians, vegans and gluten-free. Live music and general good vibes. Tickets are $20, $30, $40 or more (it buys you the same as everyone else). BYO. Limited tickets are available here: paekakarikihousingtrust@gmail.co.nz. Please help spread the word to help make this a not only a wonderful opportunity for our community to share together over food, but also to help drum up the cash the Trust needs to get running.

Nau mai haere mai!