Housing #1
Kia ora koutou! A recent poll found that New Zealanders' number one concern was housing. This newsletter outlines some of what we at our Housing Trust are doing to help. We know our village is passionate about this issue - and so there are some small or big ways you may be able to help.
Needs analysis
To get change in Paekākāriki (and wider Kāpiti) we need evidence of what the need is. The council has created a survey, and they'll share data with us. We need at least 100 people to contribute their experiences to understand the housing problems our community is facing. We all know folks who have had problems finding a home in Paekakariki. Some now reside outside the village. This evidence will help us to lobby those in power, to seek funding and develop our strategy and make decisions. www.bit.ly/kapitihousingsurvey
We are also conducting interviews and particularly want to speak to tangata whenua, elderly residents, people who have left, people that have kids at the school and people who are homeless. Have you thought about where you'll live when you can no longer manage your home? You can email us directly.
AGM 2021
AGM this coming SAT 27 November. We welcome new members, come along for coffee and kōrero. Come on down 10.00am to 11.00am at Paekākāriki Memorial Hall. The AGM is open to everyone to attend and all members of the Paekākāriki community can appoint Trustees and discuss the financial statements. As well as the formal business of an AGM there will be the opportunity to talk to Trustees.
Secondary dwellings
Many locals own properties that could support a secondary dwelling. Secondary housing has the potential to be a bit of a ‘quick win’ to respond to the shortage of housing in a village that currently has no new supply of land for housing. We hosted a very well attended hui recently to gather resources to share with others. You can see the latest info about secondary dwellings here.
Property Management
The Housing Trust strives to be the very best property managers on the Kāpiti coast. We not only manage and maintain the assets of the landlord, we care deeply about the wellbeing of our tenants. We are locals, looking after locals. Our profits are reinvested back into solving housing challenges. We would like to connect with property owners about bringing their property management contracts within the village. Email us or phone Mike Stringfellow 022 011 4534 to discuss your property or to connect us with your landlord.